Online Aqiqah Invitation Videos, Gifs And E Cards, Create Free Aqiqah Ceremony, Islamic Mundan Ceremony And Islamic Naming Ceremony, Invitation Cards, Gifs And Videos.


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The Messenger of Allah said

“Every child is a pledge for his Aqiqah,

so slaughter (the animal) for him on the 7th day,

shave his head and name him”

The ceremony of Aqiqah is held on either 7th or 14th or 21st day after the birth of the baby. It is to show gratefulness to the will of Allah for blessing the family with a new life. If it is a girl 1 animal is slaughtered if a boy then 2. The meat of the slaughtered animals is to be cooked into a feast, out of which one-third is donated to the poor for charity and the rest is partaken by friends and family along with celebrations and prayers for the little one’s good fortune and prosperous growth.

It is also the day when the baby is given a name and their hair is shaved for the first time. The shaved hair is weighed and an equivalent amount of gold and silver is given again for the purpose of charity. All in all it is a celebration which in all humility acknowledges the grace of almighty Allah, a celebration of the arrival of a baby with friends & family and giving back to the society generously

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