Ear Piercing Ceremony Invitations Designs and Cards. Wrapped in Culture a Diva is Born..

Since millenia many cultures across the world spanning from Asians, Africans to the native Americans, ear piercings hold deep significance and performed as ceremonial events with great pomp and show.The native Americans pierce their ears to display unique ear adornments which are a brilliant representation of cultural transmission, pride and identity.
In Africa different tribes and clans each have unique and specific styles of piercings. Over centuries they have developed their very own communal ear piercing rituals to commemorate various stages and achievements of life commensurate with their cultural beliefs
The Hindu culture believes ‘Karna vedha” piercing of ears, to be one of the 16 sacraments a person should perform in their lifetime.  Performed on an auspicious day at infancy, in their mothers lap by a goldsmith, with friends and family around it is believed to open the child’s ears to receive the sacred sounds in the universe.
Though traditionally gender neutral and steeped in customs and traditions across cultures, ear piercing in our modern times is mostly for fashion and self expression. An action predominantly to facilitate adornments on a woman. To enhance her femininity, to increase the enticement and deepen the sensual mystery.

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Tamil Ear Piercing Ceremony – Kadhani Vizha (“Ear Boring”) ,  Kadhani Vizha (also Kaadhu Kutthal) is the Tamil name for the ear ceremony. Karnavedha is the Sanskrit name for ear piercing.